Monday, November 8, 2010

Life... The Dark Country Road

Some people think of life as a journey, others think of it as a box of chocolates, but I think of it as driving down a country road in the dead of night. There are no street lights, no ways to see beyond your own beams of light coming from the highlights of the car. Just like life, you don't get to see what the future  holds or how your life could end up. The country road could all of a sudden just end short or long. In life, it is impossible to tell when something could happen to you and God takes you to be with him, whether it be early in life or later.
Life throws curve balls at you and one hurdle can happen after another, or you can have periods of time where nothing eventful happens at all. The country road is also undetermined. It can have something sitting in the middle of the road or a deer can run out in front of you when you least expect it. Its the unexpected deer that has you shocked and flabbergasted, and takes you awhile to calm down. If there is roadkill in the middle of the road, you just drive around it and avoid it and it isn't that big of a deal.
There is of course the certain things you see coming. Like if you know someone that is really sick and there is nothing they can do about it... (their country road is cut short) they end up passing a week later. The country road has oncoming cars with their lights on and from a fair distance, you can see the car coming.
Life is not just a highway, and not just a box of chocolates... Life is a country road with its hurtles, surprises, and unforeseeable future on what becomes of the road.

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