Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dependence Deprivation- Day 1

So i get this project in school and its about our dependence on certain things in our life, basically things we don't NEED to have but we rely on so much to he point if they were ever gone we would go CRAZY!! 
It's called "Dependence Deprivation". Even the sound of it scared me! What in my life do i rely on so much? Something that would be a challenge! I asked my aunt and uncle what they thought i rely on the most. Both answered in unison "Texting". It was unanimous! I knew by my hesitation of saying "yes" and my constant thinking "NO WAY!" that it must be done. The thought of it is horrible! It's been only the first hour and Already I am having a large amount of trouble with this!
This assignment requires writing your thoughts and feelings about your deprivation everyday! I don't know... but so far i think this could possibly get easier as time goes on! There has to be some kind of lesson by the end of it, but for now... I'm taking this day by day.

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