Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Truth Hurts

People always say "The truth hurts". It's totally true! Most of the time anyway... Like those times where you get into a relationship and you don't feel "the sparks", so to speak, anymore. Or maybe your friend thinks they can sing and you actually think they are tone deaf. You could have a friend that is an "insensitive prick" and yet you won't tell them because you're worried they are going to feel hurt and not be your friend anymore.
In either of these situations, the truth really does hurt! How would one feel being on the other end of those? Hurt? Upset? Confused? Let down? And people wonder why people have a hard time telling these truths?! Come on! Would you want to hurt the person you care about? Would you want them to feel a hurt that you wouldn't want to feel? Sure, there is the question of "If you were on the other end, wouldn't you want to know?" Yes! The answer is unmistakably "Yes!" But the thing is, the empathy of hurting the other person overrides the idea of doing what is right.
The first situation, "you get into a relationship and you don't feel "the sparks" anymore", seems to be one that happens most among teens. They go into the relationship either being overexcited about the idea of having a girlfriend/boyfriend, the concentrate more on the physical aspect of the relationship and eventually get bored, or are just acting on the "first impression" of the person saying they "like" them until they figure out more about that specific person. How do you tell the other person that you just cant do it anymore, especially when they are head over heals for you? In the meantime, someone could be "heartless" and just say something upfront, but if one isn't, then that is a total different scenario. One would actually feel for that person, after becoming close and getting to know each other, especially.
The second situation, "your friend thinks they can sing and you actually think they are tone deaf", not only does this involve the person's feelings, but their confidence, also. Basically, one is reminded that it's "crushing their dreams". Is there really a nice way of putting "You aren't actually that good at singing," when they actually think that they can really sing and stay on tune?  What if they set their whole life around trying to get a singing career? Or what if the this was the first time they sang for someone and they wanted your opinion? Honestly, the thought of your own dreams being crushed feels bad, but imagine being the one that crushes dreams.
Lastly, "having a friend that is an "insensitive prick" and yet you won't tell them because you're worried they are going to feel hurt and not be your friend anymore", is a huge one that's tough. First of all, it not only involves their feelings, but your own. This makes it personal. Not only is there the possibility of them being hurt, but the possibility of you losing a friend and being hurt in the process. Need there be anymore said with this?
When you throw in empathy and your own personal feelings into the equation, the truth really does hurt. Telling the truth and doing the right thing is tough in most cases. But that's when they say "Life's tough! Get a helmet!". Or maybe even "If everything came easy in life, there would be nothing to work for and boring."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dependence Deprivation- Day 1

So i get this project in school and its about our dependence on certain things in our life, basically things we don't NEED to have but we rely on so much to he point if they were ever gone we would go CRAZY!! 
It's called "Dependence Deprivation". Even the sound of it scared me! What in my life do i rely on so much? Something that would be a challenge! I asked my aunt and uncle what they thought i rely on the most. Both answered in unison "Texting". It was unanimous! I knew by my hesitation of saying "yes" and my constant thinking "NO WAY!" that it must be done. The thought of it is horrible! It's been only the first hour and Already I am having a large amount of trouble with this!
This assignment requires writing your thoughts and feelings about your deprivation everyday! I don't know... but so far i think this could possibly get easier as time goes on! There has to be some kind of lesson by the end of it, but for now... I'm taking this day by day.